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Proverbs 31:25 Part 3: Dignity

I am number five of eight children meaning there four older children to live up to. I followed in the footsteps of two of them to this university and shared in their major. I am constantly told I look like my older sister Catherine and told that I share the same mannerisms as my seven other siblings and my parents. Along with this, I am constantly confused with two of my best friends. Where does my individuality and dignity as a person come from if I am constantly being confused with my family and friends?

Even though the world may confuse my outward appearance with others, it is important to realize that my body and soul are unique to God the creator because he made me. There is no other Theresa Dierkes in the world and it is a good thing. I may look like Claire, Gabbie, and Catherine, but I am different, have my own mission in life, have my own struggles, have my own victories, have my own strengths, have my own values, have my own friends, have my own talents, the list goes on. God has made me uniquely different; I have inherent dignity. Since He has bestowed it; He is the only one who can take it away. Since He is a merciful, loving, and eternal God, our dignity will never be taken away by him; therefore, it can never taken away period.

As a women part of this household where we focus on building intentional relationships, relationships that cannot become deep until we recognize the dignity of ourselves and each other, until we recognize God in each other. I am going to close with this thought, God saw what he made and he found it good, but he did not think creation was complete until he created woman. He has a plan for women as a whole because we complete his work here on earth, we collectively have dignity, have a purpose, and individually we each have dignity no matter how we feel about ourselves on a given day, no matter what we get on our midterms, not matter what others say about us, no matter how others feel, the list goes on. Those things are passing, God is eternal. I may get confused with Catherine, Gabbie, Claire, and a host of other people here on Earth, but God knows me and when I come before him on the day of judgement he will call me by name and recognize me as his daughter. My dignity lies in Him who has created me and I am wonderfully and beautifully made to give of myself and grow in relationship with my creator, family, and friends.

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