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Finding Sisterhood

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

When Nicole first approached me about living in household, I was honestly taken aback. She was my superior in ROTC, and frankly, I was scared of her (I kind of still am) ((just kidding)) (((I love you Nicole!!!))). I thought to myself, how could I ever be friends with this girl, nonetheless live with her? I was also fully aware that living in a catholic women’s house was not “normal” for a college student, and I was worried about what people would think of me, especially my friends who weren’t religious. I thought they would tease me and say I’m moving into a convent or ask if I wanted to be a nun. Because of these things, I almost turned Nicole’s offer down.

Fast forward almost one year and I am happily nestled into a front room that overlooks a bustling Walnut Street. No one has asked me why I’m living in a “convent” or when I plan to become a nun (surprise!). Nicole and I are roommates ( double surprise!) and she’s the best person I could ask to be with. She lives out her faith with such vibrancy and passion, constantly challenging me to be the best sister and daughter in Christ that I can be. When we aren’t getting up at 5am for ROTC, we wake up to the sun streaming in our windows and warming up our faces, making getting out of our comfy beds an impossible task. But when we do eventually leave our room, we join the other women for lazy breakfasts and prayer time, moments I treasure every day. I simply cannot imagine myself anywhere else, with anyone else. I realized last year that despite my literal fear of Nicole (haha) and the stereotypes that I thought existed against women living in a Catholic house, the enduring love of Jesus Christ and community can overcome all apprehensions. And I can safely say that this realization led me to the best decision I’ve made so far at Penn.

Being in household has not only helped strengthen my relationship with God, but also with the lovely women who I live with. These girls are some of my best friends. They are the ones I come home to after a long day and sit on the couch or at the kitchen table with and just talk. The good, the bad, the exciting, the disappointing. We talk about it all. As women in the house, we help each other recognize our victories and cope with our failures. Everyday I walk downstairs and I see the victory wall, reminding me that no matter what trials are placed in front of us, we as Catholic women, can overcome them through the power of Jesus Christ. In the house we celebrate each other for these victories and we pull each other back up after our failures. We help fill each other’s time with good food (ice cream anyone?) and good conversation. We help propel each other towards the beautiful purpose that God has designed for us. I thank the Lord for allowing me to be a part of this sisterhood.

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